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I love you all.


Every night, I sence you in my restless dreams.
I believe, you see me too.


I'm so scared.
Please, take me away from here.
Just stay with me a little longer.


Day after day I want sleep.
Explore some node.js back- things to add it here. Goes complicated.
Miss the evenings when we watched mr.Robot the series. I can't finish it.


Passed last exam successfully for this week.
It was too hard without 2 days of normal sleep.
Finally started doing tasks that I put off.
Do you miss me at all.


Didn't sleep.
Passed 3 exams today with excellent grades. The last one left and it's tomorrow.
Feel broken and my heart is about to burst without your eyes.


Very sleepy.
I must get prepared with course project about detection of ArUco markers for finding coordinates for UAV.
Anxiety doesn't allow to do this easy and quietly.


Passed a hard exam on system reliability.
Wanna quickly pass the remaining exams and start do some stuff here.
Just a few logs ago my life was taken.
Now I see, that only your love can dry my tears and annihilate my pain.


Rainy and frosty.
Today I decided to see a psychologist. It's not as scary as I thought.
But this is the start for me to work and focus on myself.
Feel sick.


The first day of summer. Still very hot outside.
Visited my dentist and got braces on my lower teeth. Feels const aching pain.


Today I passed my coursework about synthesis of a cascade angular motion control system for UAV.
The weather was sultry heat.
When I came home I took a some nap.


I lost everything.
I lost my entire the world.
But You created something significant for me - my personality.
Thank you. I will always love you. You made me happy.
Waiting For You.
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Your gentle voice I hear
Your words echo inside me
You said you long for me,
And that you love me.

And I want to see you too,
Feels just like I'm falling
Is there nothing I can do?
Wonder if you hear my calling.

I fell in love with you and now you're gone
There's nothing left within my lonely room
without you.